VBS 2010!

  Center Hill’s vacation bible school began this past Monday night.  This years theme is The Egypt File.  Here’s an overview of the exciting week and nightly updated pictures! Our children are constantly bombarded with the message that they are nothing more than just another animal—a product of countless years of random processes. From movies to books, they are brainwashed with the idea that they are nothing special and there is no God to whom they are accountable for their actions. That’s where The Egypt File comes in! Children will learn that God made them in His very image—they are special and set apart from the animals! Our purpose in life is to love and serve Him. On Day 1 (File 001), they’ll uncover the truth that the “ape-men” they’ve heard so much about are actually nothing of the sort—they’re either ape or men, but not a combination of both. They’ll discover that the first two humans were lovingly made by the Creator God in the very beginning to fellowship with Him. File 002—Kids will decode the design of their bodies—design that shouts, “I’m made by God!” From the top of their head to the bottom of their feet, they are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator. God thought of everything when He created us! File 003—Kids will unlock the reason we’re separated from our God and why our bodies aren’t “very good” as they were in the beginning. They’ll be faced with the truth that we are sinners in need of a Savior and presented with the good news of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. File 004—Life is precious. Handle with care! Kids will search the Bible to find that we should treat all people—from the tiniest baby in his mommy’s tummy to the oldest living person—with care and respect. As God loves us, so we should love one another. File 005—To wrap up the week, your sleuths will unravel the mystery of working together as the body of Christ and will be challenged to use their lives to glorify the One who made them. They’ll learn that we’ve all been given gifts and talents which we can use together to further the kingdom of God and share with others about Christ has done for us. There’s no mystery about where we came from or where we’re going when we discover what the Bible teaches! Get ready to decode the mystery of life at The Egypt File! See you there! soli deo gloria